(2025) Conference presentation: Autonomous Places: Broadening the notion of Placemaking through pre-figurative practices. In panel „Diffracting ways of living“ at the STS Hub Diffracting the Critical March 2025, Humboldt University of Berlin.

(2025) Conference presentation: Multimodal work, part of the exhibition “Drift. Sink. Emerge. Repeat. Multimodal Submersion as Diffractive Practice.” at the STS Hub Diffracting the Critical March 2025, Humboldt University of Berlin.

(2024) Institutskolloquium presentation: Past Futures Perspectives in Anthropology, Labor Kritische Europäisierungsforschung and AMo Collective, Institute for European Ethnology, Humboldt University of Berlin

(2023) Conference presentation: Experiment Ethnography Decolonial strolling: Public city walks as
city walks as "collective ethnography". Gesellschaft für Ethnographie e.V. in cooperation with the Institute for European Ethnology, Humboldt University of Berlin 

(2022) Roundtable and presentation: Multimodal anthropology and Co-producing Publics through Decolonial Flânerie with Amo collective. Part of the conference and workshops ‘Re/Making and Navigating Publics’. Organizers: Freie Universität Berlin, Humboldt Universität and DFG Network Public Anthropology

(2022) Academic contribution: Desbordes/undoing borders reading circle reflecting on my last article THE JUNGLE DE CALAIS: Between liminality, border space and place of possibilities, post(s) 7 Journal, Online-Quito, Ecuador. HERE (ES)

(2021) Round table discussion: Migrazione e Liminalità: Liminality as a state of mind. Follow the waves, Latitudo art & Magic Carpet Biennial Kaunas, Museo dell'Atto di Ospitalità Roma. HERE (EN/IT) FB Life, from Min 22:00

(2021) Conference presentation: Liminality and otherness. Seminar Borderspaces, Centro Studi Postcoloniali e di Genere - CSPG. L'Orientale University, Naples.  HERE (EN) FB life

2020 Academic Contribution: Through the Corona lens. Labor migration, IFEE, Institut für Europäische Ethnologie. Humboldt-Universität.Advertising you can view it HERE

(2019) Reading performance: (trans)border poetry. Migration, liminality and decolonization. Festival Latinale Magazine, Ibero-American Institute Berlin.

(2016) Artistic input: Migration Art Anthropology. ISLA residency, SACO 5. Antofagasta Chile.

(2016) Academic input: Migration Art Anthropology. Art and architecture faculty, Austral University Chile, Valdivia.



(2024) Inverview about PhD exhibition Somewhere Inbetween, SACO, Chilean Art biennal (ES/EN)

(2022) Interview about my experience in ISLA Art residency, SACO, Chilean Art biennal

(2021) Interview/articule about the quarantine artist's diary, Hyper Media Magazine/Latinoamericanas en Berlin (ES)

(2019) Interview about the Art residency in Latitudo Rome and the exhibition The others. Magic Carpet EU (EN)

(2018) Interview/information about the exhibition The others, Latitudo Rome (EN)

(2018) Press release from the Art residency in Latitudo/Magic Carpets in Rome-Italy. you can read it HERE (EN) and HERE (IT)

(2017) Interview about activism/Art and nomadicArt in berlin, Art link (EN)

(2016) Interview about my experience in ISLA residency (North of Chile) and Connecting stories project, SACO 5

(2015) interview about "Traces of Light" exhibition in Neue Nachbaschaft Berlin, University of Chile (ES) 

(2011) interview about the solo exhibition "Hilando Historias" University of Chile (ES)

RADIO  (2024) Radio Tsonami, Ensayo y Error programa radial, imterview about sonorities in my PhD
research (ES)

(2019) Radio Berlinesa Cosmo Estación Sur, interview in the context of Latinale Festival, migration topics (ES) from 00:50:22 min.

(2019) Mostro de la Realidad, Limbo fm Radio -Argentina, with the artist Camilo Correa, talking about the last show in Valparaiso "Hidronimo"

(2019) " B.A.S.E Residencias de arte" Radio tsonami, with the artist Camilo Correa, talking about the last show in Valparaiso Chile "Hidronimo"

(2016) "Se asoma a la ventana" Radio program. Austral University, Chile, with the artist Luc Berger, talking about migration concepts and art/social strategy in Europe and Latin America (ES)

(2016) "Cafe negro" Radio program. Valentin Letelier Radio, University of Valparaiso, Chile.

(2022) Reportage about art residency SACO 1.0, contemporary art week in Chile

(2018) Reportage about the exhibition The Others from the Art residency in Latitudo/Magic Carpets in Rome-Italy (EN, IT)

(2016) Reportage about the project Connecting stories, SACO 5, contemporary art week in Chile (ES)

(2016) Full reportage of SACO, 5th Contemporary Art Week in Chile. Min. 37:17 Connecting stories project (ES WITH EN subtitle).

(2016) Reportage about ISLA residency in the north of Chile. part of SACO 5

(2011) LUN Las ultimas Noticias, Chilean Newspaper. Interview about the solo exhibition "Hilando Historias" in Mapocho Station Chile (ES)


(2025) Magazine editorial work: Counter-Mapping: A Zine for Experimental Cartographies as Neighboring Practices, Amo collective Berlin

(2024) Book contribution: Sensing the City with Adela Taleb and Carla J. Maier. In: Anna-Sophie Springer & Raul Walch (Eds.), Owned by Others: A Map to Possession Island. Berlin: K. Verlag

(2022) Catalog: SACO 1.0, ISLA Residency Chile. Publisher SACO/SE VENDE, Antofagasta

(2022) Catalog: Tsonami Residency Chile. Book. Publisher Tsonami ediciones, Valparaíso

(2022) Catalog: Magic Carpet EU Book, Publisher Quodlibeta, Macerata

(2021) Magazine: Borderland, London (online)

(2017) Book:Refugees, Being Subject to Refugeeism. Publisher 65 Potentia, Soal, Korea

(2018) Magazine: PANamerica German. Berlin Magazine

(2017) Book: Arte+Archivo produccion reflexiones desplazamientos, Publisher ediciones AV, Santiago

(2016) Catalog: SACO 5, ISLA Residency Chile. Publisher SACO/SE VENDE, Antofagasta

(2015) Magazine: Alba 08 lateinamerika Lesen,Berlin 

(2013) Catalog: Ojo andino, Fondazione Cini,Venezia,Italy, Publisher FABRICA, Italy

(2011) Catalog: Espacio contenido, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo MAC, Chile.Publisher MAC, Santiago

(2009) Catalog: Arte en Vivo, Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Chile. Publisher MNBA,Santiago
