Collaborative work by Melanie Garland and Camilo Correa. This exhibition was part of the result of the art-sound residency in B.A.S.E Tsonami Arte Sonoro, March 2019 in Valparaiso Chile.

Global migration flows have led to the proliferation of 'non-places' so far unknown to developing countries like Chile. The so-called liminal spaces can be understood from an ethnographic point of view. These have to be considered as much physical as abstract and temporary: it is a geography of intangible borders, in which the human being transits. The aesthetics of their displays serve for their understanding, description and analysis. Specifically, we work with the images and sounds provided by these spaces and their agents to generate a subjective reading of them. Based on Richard Senneth's pragmatic stance, we consider the identity of work and crafts as a local and historical expression. The migrant today occupies a leading role in the works and crafts of Valparaiso.

Soundscape installation you can listening in nomadicRadio session N4
or watch our sound video here

© Tsonami B.A.S.E

Hydronym seeks to manifest the differences between a craft "in the traditional way" and one "in the non-traditional way". Change framed in the macroeconomic transformations caused by the injection of foreign labor. The nostalgic appreciation of the 'porteños' crafts (locals of Valparaiso-Chile) is in turn a liminal space, as is the condition of a person in a foreign country, who seeks the appropriation of the new space, through the exercise of a craft to leave the liminality. The mutation of the local crafts thanks to the mixture of pre-existing and new agents, the agitation in the implicit local economy and the evolution in the techniques and methods of production will serve to generate a reflection on the current identity of Valparaiso.