This piece reflects my view as a Chilean immigrant. Not being able to be in the revolutionary process of my country (30 peso revolution, October 2019) and the constant nostalgia, makes me think about the different dynamics of survival that the mind has to face the 'liminality' of being a migrant. The fluidity and liquidity of the 'liminal' helps me understand my current position in the process of change in my country. From a personal viewpoint, I reflect on the dynamics and fragility of a contemporary revolution based on painting and photography. I make the relationship between the fluidity of painting and the genealogy and memory of analog photography.
Artworks displayed in the exhibition Space of Possibility LITE Haus Gallery in July 2020 and Chilean conextion group exhibition LITE Haus Gallery in October 2020.
© Virgina Diaz and Pablo Hassmann

This set-up was in collaboration with the photographer Camilo Correa | Chilean conextion exhibition Oct/20