Public Art intervention produced by Amo collective in the context of the urban walk Decolonial Flânerie 2023. Performed in September 2023 in the streets of Berlin-Mitte.

© Inti Gallardo
The signs-artifacts were part of a public intervention inspired by placards from past anti-racist movements. They guided the Decolonial Flânerie walk, connecting historical struggles to present-day activism. They highlight key events like the fight to rename M*Straße and the Haitian Revolution, bringing together the main themes and stops of the Flânerie. The signs were created by Amo Collective members Melanie Garland, Ingri Pavezi, and Eryn Staiblin in 2023.

Site-specific sonic performative exercise held on May 22, 2023, at Horace's Villa—a large ancient Roman villa complex near Licenza-Rome, Italy. This ruined villa is associated with the Roman poet Horace and his numerous poems about the place. The special elaborate architectural features and location of the villa correspond to the descriptions in the poetry.
Oceanic Ruins was a site-specific performance as part of the L'Aquila Reale art residency in Licenza, Rome-Italy
© Camera: L'Aquila Reale
In crafting the Oceanic Ruins performative exercise, my aim was to create an intertwining between the past and the present. Through the resonance of the mobile megaphone transported through Horace's Villa, the timeless echoes of today's Mediterranean sound resonated and vibrated with the Roman imperial heritage infrastructure. This act served as a sonic-tension between ancient imperial heritage and the contemporary complexity of the mobilities of people passing through the same sea. The performative action was intended to evoke a nuanced understanding where the waves of the past and present converge in the same urban landscape.
As part of the Somewhere Inbetween, I am reflecting and questioning how and why to exhibit ethnographically —the anthropological method on which some of my research is based. I am interested in stressing the boundaries between artistic practices and ethnography, going beyond the mere duality, and reflecting on the possibility of transdisciplinarity and other methodological ways for the research design within the arts and social sciences.
The exhibition was held from June 30th to July 23rd 2022 at LITE HAUS Gallery, Berlin. Afterwards a further elaboration of this exhibition was shown at Chilean Conexión Art festival, Monopol Gallery Berlin. September 1-3, 2022.

©Pablo Hassmann
The exhibition Somewhere Inbetween was part of my PhD research on border regimes in Europe and South America, especially Italy, France, and Chile. I reflect on three informal and self-managed camps, which have been resistant and resilient in the face of the current border regimes, transforming abandoned areas into sociable places.

Displayed alongside over 40 other flags in the main streets of Kaunas, Lithuania, as part of the Kaunas Biennial 2021 and the Magic Carpets Landed exhibition, held from November 2021 to January 2022. ︎

© Gintarė Žaltauskaitė MC platform
Otoliths are solid structures located in the vestibular system of vertebrates. They play a vital role in sensing acceleration, detecting gravity, and maintaining balance. In fish, otoliths also function as hearing organs, and biologists study them to determine the age of a fish. My father, as marine biologist, dedicated his life’s work to studying the otoliths of native Chilean fish to trace their migratory routes, which predominantly led to Europe. Inspired by his sketches, I created this drawing-flag to explore a visual, material, and conceptual connection between migration and liminality. Through this work, I aimed to poetically reflect on how the liminal spaces—between fish and ocean, movement and stillness—can be observed in nature.
The concept of liminality, often associated with thresholds and transitional states, is intrinsic to both migration and the natural cycles of life. Just as fish traverse vast, unseen borders in the oceans, humans also navigate boundaries—physical, emotional, and cultural. Otoliths, with their capacity to reveal the hidden journeys of fish, become a metaphor for the layered and often invisible experiences of migration. By translating these scientific and personal connections into a flag, I sought to anchor this exploration in a shared public space. Flags themselves are symbols of identity and movement, fluttering between visibility and invisibility, permanence and change. Liminality through Otoliths invites viewers to consider how the intersections of nature, science, and art can reveal deeper truths about migration, belonging, and the fluidity of existence.

The installation The others, composed by a painting of 30cm x 15 meters and a sound composition, WAS part of the final exhibition of the cultural project Magic Carpets. The exhibition called Magic Carperts Landed was curated by Benedetta Carpi De Resmini and organized by Kaunas Biennial, between November 2021 and January 2022 in Kaunas, Lithuania.
© Gintarė Žaltauskaitė, MC platform